Still making curried Brussels sprouts the way Beth taught me many moons ago in ol Brooklyn.

1/3 c + 1 TSBP olive oil or butter (or a combination)
2 c Brussels sprouts
2 TBSP curry powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
salt to taste (smoked if you got it)
3 cloves garlic
optional: cajun or other hot spices to taste
oven safe pan (9 x 12 ish)

Just chop Brussels sprouts in half, arrange them face (inside) up in pan, mix oil with spices and drizzle over sprouts, and roast at 425° for about 25 min. About halfway through, give it a stir to mix them up. Flash fry the garlic and spread evenly on top when the sprouts come out of the oven. So fast n tasty.

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